There are many variations on the old joke “How many _____ does it take to screw in a light bulb?” My question is instead, “How many people does it take to make a book?” Today a team is required to get a book to press, distinguish that book from others like it, and promote the book. Two of the key people needed to publish a…
Blue Cotton Candy or a Crsip Green Apple?
It’s been years since I ingested cotton candy and thought it was fun. Not much more than sugared air, the memory of eating it only lingered as long as my blue lips. However, the good time I had at the county fair became a good memory. And a perfectly ripe apple keeps me coming back year after year to relive that experience. In marketing your…
Fresh Local Honey!
Honey sweetens my tea, drips thickly on toast, and smells wonderful in my bath soap. Throughout winter we hoard the honey in memory of the greening spring and golden summer. Bumblebees are stirring now. They feel the sweet breath of spring encouraging them to plunge their plump bodies into early blooming Daffodils. Spring flowers are the harbinger of new beginnings and the bees and their…
As American as Apple Pie!
Every time I smell apples baking, vivid memories wash over me of my grandmother carefully rolling out the dough for the crust, watching the red apple peels curl away from her deft knife, and then her sure hands sprinkling the filled pie with cinnamon. Being in her kitchen watching her cook was my island of safety. When the steaming pies emerged from the oven I…